Böcker och artiklar i urval

På svenska:

Europarättens grunder (The Foundations of European Law, co-author A Kjellgren), 7 uppl, 2022.

Introduktion till EU (Introduction to the EU, co-author A Kjellgren), 7 uppl., 2021

Europarättens tillämpning, Stockholm 2022 (kommande)

Sverige och europarätten (Sweden and European Law), Stockholm 2002, IFRF volym CLXXVIII

Europarättens genomslag (The Impact of European Law), Stockholm 2012, IFRV volym CC

Finna Rätt (Find the Law, co-author), 15 uppl., Stockholm 2020

Immaterialrätt (Intellectual Property Law, co-author), 15 uppl., Stockholm 2020

Standardavtalsrätt (Standard Contract Law), 9 uppl., Stockholm 2018, IFRF volym CXCIII

Svensk och europeisk marknadsrätt 1. Konkurrensrätten och marknadsekonomins rättsliga grundvalar (Competition and Market Law 1), 5 uppl., Stockholm 2019

Marknadsföringsrätten, Svensk och europeisk marknadsrätt 2 (Competition and Market Law 2), 2 ed., Stockholm 2020

Otillbörlig konkurrens mellan näringsidkare (Unfair Competition Law), Stockholm 1993, IFRF volym CLI

Förhandsavgöranden av EU-domstolen. Svenska domstolars hållning och praxis. (Preliminary References from the EU Court. The Attitude and Case-Law of Swedish Courts) Sieps-Rapport 2010:2; part 2 covering the years 2010 – 2015, Sieps-Rapport 2016:9; part 3 couvering the years 2016-2020, Sieps-rapport 2021:2

När europarätten kom till akademin, Europarättslig Tidskrift 2015 s. 11 ff.

Rättighetsstadgans genomslag i svensk rätt – Europarättslig lagprövning och lärdomar av Åkerberg Fransson (The Impact of the Charter on Fundamental Rights), Juridisk Tidskrift 2016 s. 789 ff.

Om Europas rättsliga värden (Europe´s Legal Values), Europarättslig Tidskrift 2017 s. 7 ff.

Direktivet om otillbörliga affärsmetoder ca tio år senare. Reflektioner kring genomslaget i Sverige, Festskrift till Lars Pehrson s. 37 ff.

Generalklausulen i marknadsföringslagen – dess utveckling och räckvidd belyst genom MD:s praxis, Amici Curiæ Marknadsdomstolen 1971 – 2016 s. 133 ff.

Konkurrensrätt och skiljedom – var går gränserna för domstols prövning?, JT 2015-16 s. 883 ff.

Hönsbursmålet om skyldighet att anmäla tekniska föreskrifter; särskilt om språklig tolkning och begreppet teknisk föreskrift, Europarättslig Tidskrift 2016 s. 491 ff.

Den nya processordningen för immaterial- och marknadsrättsliga mål, Festskrift till Jan Rosén, 2016 s. 131 ff.

Konkurrensklausuler vid företagsöverlåtelser. För hur lång tid kan de vara tillåtna?, JT 2017-18 s. 622 ff.

Obehörig vinst genom angrepp på företagshemlighet – ersättningsgill i Sverige?, NIR 2018 s. 561 ff.

Bankstöd och resolution i Sverige och EU, Festskrift till Göran Millqvist, Stockholm 2019 s. 153 ff.

Standardavtal och konkurrensbegränsning, Skrifter till Jan Rambergs minne, Stockholm 2019 s. 45 ff.

Tillåtligheten av lagstiftning och generella normbeslut som ingriper i en pågående rättegång, Festskrift till Wiweka Warnling Conradson, Stockholm 2019 s. 49 ff.

Saluförbud för vitaminpreparat i strid mot unionsrätten, Europarättslig Tidskrift 2019 s. 487 ff.

Oklarhetsregeln och oskäliga avtalsvillkor: ny rättsutveckling för konsumentavtal, SvJT 2019 s. 679 ff.

EU-rätt och nationell upphovsrätt – finns det kvar några nationella delar som inte berörs av EU-rätten? (EU Law and National Copyright Law – Does it Remain any National Law Untouched by EU Law?), NIR (Nordic Intellectual Property Law Review) 2020 p. 71 ff.

Skadeståndsansvar enligt unionsrätten, JT 2020-21 s. 813 ff.

Skadeståndsansvar vid marknadsföring – utomobligatoriskt och kontraktuellt, Festskrift till Jan Kleineman 2021 s. 105 ff.

In English:

European Law in Sweden, Stockholm 2002 (Publications of the Stockholm University Faculty of Law No 70)

General Principles of European Community Law, Kluwer European Monographs, eds U Bernitz & J Nergelius, The Hague 2000

General Principles of EC Law in a Process of Development, Kluwer European Monographs (eds Bernitz – Nergelius – Cardner), The Hague 2008

General Principles of EU Law and European Private Law, Kluwer European Monographs (eds Bernitz – Groussot – Schulyok), The Hague 2013

General Principles of EU Law and the EU Digital Order, Kluwer European Monographs (eds Bernitz - Groussot - de Vries), The Hague 2019

The Role of Regions and Sub-National Actors in Europe (eds. S Weatherill & U Bernitz), Oxford 2005

Modern Company Law for a European Economy. Ways and Means (ed U Bernitz), Stockholm 2006 (Institute of Legal Research Seminar Series)

The Regulation of Unfair Commercial Practices under EC Directive 2005/29. New Rules and New Techniques (eds. S Weatherill & U Bernitz), Oxford 2007: The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive: Its Scope, Ambitions and Relation to the Law of Unfair Competition, p 33 ff.

The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU After Lisbon (eds S de Vries, U Bernitz and S Weatherill), 2013: Horizontal Effects of Private Rights Vested by Union Law on Damages to be Paid by another private Party: The Laval Case as Model, p 139 ff.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument. Five Years Old and Growing

(eds S de Vries, U Bernitz and S Weatherill, 2015: The Scope of the Charter and its Impact on the Application of the ECHR. The Åkerberg Fransson Case on Ne Bis in Idem in Perspective, p 155 ff.

Marketing and Advertising Law in a Process of Harmonisation (eds U Bernitz and C Heide-Jørgensen), Oxford 2017: Introduction. p 1 ff, The Road Ahead – Present Status and Need for Reform p. 233 ff.

Misleading Packaging, Copycats, and Look-alikes: An Unfair Commercial Practice? In Ezrachi – Bernitz, eds., Private Labels, Brands, and Competition Policy, Oxford 2009 s 217 ff.

Mechanisms of Ownership Control and the Issue of Disproportionate Distribution of Power, In U Bernitz – G Ringe, eds., Company Law and Economic Protectionism, Oxford 2010 p 191 ff.

Sweden and the European Union – On Sweden´s Implementation and Application of European Law, 38 Common Market Law Review, 2001 p 903 ff.

The Effect of EU Merger Policy on Large Multinationals based in Sweden and other smaller EU Member States, 24 European Competition Law Review, 2003:1 p 19 ff.

The Arlanda Terminal 2 Case: Substantial Damages for Breach of Article 82, Competition Law Journal 2003 p 195 ff.

The Attack on the Nordic Multiple Voting Rights Model: The Legal Limits under EU Law, (2004) 15 European Business Law Review p 1423 ff.

The Commission´s Communications and Standard Contract Terms, in Harmonization of European Contract Law (eds S Weatherill & S Vogenauer), Oxford 2006 p 185 ff.

The Duty of Supreme Courts to Refer Cases to the ECJ: The Commission´s Action Against Sweden, in Swedish Studies in European Law Vol 1 (eds N Wahl & P Cramér), Oxford 2006 p 37 ff .

European and Nordic Competition Law: How Well do they Correspond?, in Liber Amicorum Sven Norberg, Brussels 2007

The European Constitutional Project and the Swedish Constitution, Vol 52 Scandinavian Studies in Law, Stockholm 2007

Misleading Packaging, Copycats, and Look-alikes: An Unfair Commercial Practice?, in A Ezrachi & U Bernitz (eds.), Private Labels, Brands, and Competition Policy. The Changing Landscape of Competition. Oxford Univ. Press 2009

The Sanction of Voidness Under Article 82 EC and its Relation to the Right to Damages, in Article 82 EC. Reflection on its Recent Evolution (ed. A Ezrachi), Oxford 2009 p 187 ff.

Convergence or parallel paths? Comparison of substantive tests of merger control in the European Union and China, European Competition Law Review 2010 p 248 ff (jointly with Shouzhi AN)

The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and its Implementation in Sweden: A Comparison, Swedish Studies in European Law, Vol. 3, 2010

The Laval Case, Case Comment, 48 Common Market Law Review, 2011 p 603 ff (jointly with Norbert Reich)

Resale Price Maintenance in Comparative Perspective, Research Handbook on International Competition Law, Edward Elgar publ., 2012 (ed. A. Ezrachi) p. 426 ff.

Scandinavian Law and European Codification, Liber Amicorum P. Hallström, 2012

Commercial Norms and Soft Law, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 58, 2013 p 29 ff.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument. Five Years Old and Growing (eds. S. de Vries, U. Bernitz and S. Weatherill), Hart Publ. Oxford 2015, in particular the chapter The Scope of the Charter and its Impact on the Application of the ECHR: The Åkerberg Fransson Case on Ne Bis in Idem in Perspective p. 155 ff.

Introduction to the Directive on Competition Damages Actions, Swedish Studies in European Law, Vol. 8 2016 p. 3 ff.

Marketing and Advertising Law in a Process of Harmonisation. Present Status and Need of Reform, In U. Bernitz & C. Heide-Jørgensen, Marketing and Advertising Law in a Process of Harmonisation, Hart Publ. Oxford 2017 s. 1 -18, 233 - 256

Preliminary Rulings to the CJEU and the Swedish Judiciary. Current Developments, Swedish Studies in European Law, Vol. 10 2018 p. 17 ff.

Nordic Law: Position and Possibilities, JFT (Tidskrift utg. Av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland) 2018 p. 385 ff.

Prohibition on Sale of Vitamin Preparations in Contravention of EU Law, European Food and Feed Law 2020 p. 487 ff.

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